Mr Laviolette – one final encore for the headline act! 

 By Laurcan M and Nancy S

At the end of Term 2 Mr Laviolette, Wrotham School’s most controversial teacher, is leaving. Over his long teaching time at Wrotham School, he has given lots of break time, lunch time and after school Academic Workshops. A very, small minority of people are happy to see him go, with many people devastated and shocked to see him go. He has turned many music messes into musical masterpieces. 

We have been out around the school for the last couple of weeks collecting as many messages as we can for our farewell to Mr Laviolette. 

“Mr Laviolette, it is sad to hear your leaving us, I wish you all the best for the future,” said Mr Butler. 

“I love Mr Laviolette,” said Miss Blamire, “because he is the most sarcastic person I know.” 

Miss Bullock said: “Mr Laviolette, it has been lovely knowing you a very short amount of time, but that short amount of time has been a pleasure. I am going to miss you in the morning saying, ‘hey sister’ and making sure all my lessons are nice and planned for the day. I will miss you. Goodbye, so long and farewell.” 

Mr Boudreau said: “My earliest memories of Mr Laviolette are this crazy afro music teacher who walked in and is just all over the place in terms of his attire, he looks like a slob, and I cannot even carry this on… He is probably the most professional man I have ever worked with. You will be missed.” 

Mr Pickles said: “Whilst, Mr Laviolette is a fantastic music teacher and will be a great loss to Wrotham School, he is also a menace! His ‘help’ at the Year 7 School Disco involved him announcing on the microphone that I was taking requests for songs with swearing in.  

“Obviously, this was not the case and it led to some confusion amongst the students! However, I will be deeply sorry to see him go.”   

Ms Ross said: “I am really sorry that he is leaving, He’s such a nice man and such a talented musician and I shall miss him.” 

Miss O’Neil said: “Thank You for all the good work you have done for Music and good luck in the future.”

“Hey, I just wanted to wish you all the best. It has been fun working with you and it is going to be a huge loss to the school all the best,” Mr Djima Said. 

“Mr Laviolette, I have enjoyed all your lessons I have come into, Good Luck in the future and thanks for everything you have done with Wrotham,” said Mr Scott. 

Tori Day, in Year 9, said: “Goodbye and thanks for everything.” 

“Hey Sir, I am very sorry to hear your leaving,” Mr Read said, “I hope whatever you go on to do next you really enjoy and are as passionate about as you are with teaching. Thanks for all your support and help with everything you have done, and I hope you enjoy your next adventure.” 

Mr McCracken said: “Hey Sir, I want to wish you all the best in whatever you get up to next you are the only man devoted enough to his coffee to try and grow his own coffee beans and try to roast them. You have been amazing to work with and I am sorry to see you go.”

Mr Oluwale said: ‘Hey Mr Laviolette, it’s been amazing to work with you even though we haven’t really worked directly, you know I teach Maths and you teach Music and it was a privilege to observe one of your lessons when I was training.

“I picked up so much from it and I also have used some things in my lessons. I just wanted to say thank you for everything, thank you for your help, thank you for our morning chats every time we park up in the morning. It is a great loss to the school. You are one of the best teachers in this school. I just wish you all the absolute best in your future.”

Mr Bridgeman: “Hey Mr Laviolette, I just wanted to wish you the best and I am so sad to hear your leaving, you are an absolute legend the amount you have contributed to this school and the way you have driven the music has been phenomenal.

“I am really going to miss you and seeing your car there before mine in the morning and always last to leave. Wishing you all the best and goodbye.”

“Goodbye Mr Laviolette and bye bye,” Mr Shank said.

Mrs Webster had the final word: “Dear Mr Laviolette, I will miss you and all your stories about your rescue pet Donkey called ‘Donkey’. Good luck with your Donkey sanctuary. Make sure you send us pictures. Especially of Donkey!”

Some of these detail have not been verified.

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